Our Core Values, Our SCRIPT.
These interrelated core values spell ‘SCRIPT, and literally guide our motivation and how we do our work.
These are Sustainability, Creativity, Respect for diversity, Integrity & Independence, Professionalism, and Teamwork.
I. Sustainability
Our work promotes sustainability in Africa, but we also consider the impact our work has on the environment.
We thus have an environmental policy to guide us in this regard.
We thus have an environmental policy to guide us in this regard.
II. Creativity
Navigating the complex socio-political, cultural, and geographic terrains in Africa requires especially conscious creativity.
We are inspired by our creative imagination of how Africa could be in contrast with what Africa is.
We thus employ utmost inventiveness, resourcefulness and ingenuity in all we do to achieve our vision for the continent.
We are inspired by our creative imagination of how Africa could be in contrast with what Africa is.
We thus employ utmost inventiveness, resourcefulness and ingenuity in all we do to achieve our vision for the continent.
III. Respect for diversity
Africa is diverse in all senses. In recognition and celebration of this, we treat everyone and
undertake our work with utmost respect for diversity of culture, race, religion, gender,
opinions, and capacities among others.
undertake our work with utmost respect for diversity of culture, race, religion, gender,
opinions, and capacities among others.
IV. Integrity & Independence
To us, integrity not only means being honest and veracious, but also being transparent,
reliable, and as candid possible in everything we do.
We keep our work independent so we can challenge prevailing the thinking, policy and development consensus even among our donors and supporters.
We keep our work independent so we can challenge prevailing the thinking, policy and development consensus even among our donors and supporters.
V. Professionalism
We believe that the quality of the tools and services we develop and/or improve contributes
directly our success in achieving our vision.
Thus, our work and operations adhere to high professional ethics and standards,
and we are constantly building relevant professional capabilities amongst ourselves, partners and clients.
Thus, our work and operations adhere to high professional ethics and standards,
and we are constantly building relevant professional capabilities amongst ourselves, partners and clients.
VI. Teamwork
In recognition of the magnitude and nature of our work, we encourage collaboration,
cooperation, sharing of knowledge and ideas.
Our experts and staff work as team. When working with our clients and partners,
we also strive to build the spirit of teamwork to the extent it is feasible.
Our experts and staff work as team. When working with our clients and partners,
we also strive to build the spirit of teamwork to the extent it is feasible.