We are the ADRECI...
We champion sustainable Afrocentric solution to Africa’s intractable problems, and we endeavour to find the best tools and approaches to unlock Africa’s potential and accelerate sustainable development, resilience and peace.
Learn More About UsPillars of our Work

At ADRECI, we believe that successful interventions for the prosperity of Africa require rigorous science that is informed by concrete, pragmatic feedback from projects on the ground. Our science pillar provides evidence for action (practice) and influencing policy in Africa. As much as possible, nothing without science and evidence.
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To effectively address Africa’s challenges, targeted projects are crucial. They are key to transforming adverse conditions, enhancing community resilience to climate change and disasters through adaptation and risk reduction, and resolving conflicts to achieve lasting peace. These initiatives are vital for sustainable development and stability.
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Policy Engagement
While specific projects are necessary and important for the ultimate peace and development of Africa, policies and laws are essential for setting the wider framework into which all such efforts fit. We work to influence robust policy development and implementation at the scales with the most potential to impact people directly.
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Our work promotes sustainability in Africa, but we also consider the impact our work has on the environment. We thus have an environmental policy to guide us in this regard.
Navigating the complex socio-political, cultural, and geographic terrains in Africa requires especially conscious creativity. We are inspired by our creative imagination of how Africa could be in contrast with what Africa is. We thus employ utmost inventiveness, resourcefulness and ingenuity in all we do to achieve our vision for the continent.
Respect for diversity
Africa is diverse in all senses. In recognition and celebration of this, we treat everyone and undertake our work with utmost respect for diversity of culture, race, religion, gender, opinions, and capacities among others.
Integrity & Independence
To us, integrity not only means being honest and veracious, but also being transparent, reliable, and as candid possible in everything we do. We keep our work independent so we can challenge prevailing the thinking, policy and development consensus even among our donors and supporters.
We believe that the quality of the tools and services we develop and/or improve contributes directly our success in achieving our vision. Thus, our work and operations adhere to high professional ethics and standards, and we are constantly building relevant professional capabilities amongst ourselves, partners and clients.
In recognition of the magnitude and nature of our work, we encourage collaboration, cooperation, sharing of knowledge and ideas. Our experts and staff work as team. When working with our clients and partners, we also strive to build the spirit of teamwork to the extent it is feasible.
Our Core Programme Areas
Kenya’s Leap into the Global Carbon Markets: A Path to Economic Transformation?
Kenya is often regarded as a continental and global frontrunner in #ClimateChange response. As a strategic move to stay ahead of the pack, the country is making significant strides in responding to the escalating demand in global #CarbonMarkets seriously. The country is proactively and diligently strengthening its policy and regulatory framework to unlock new sources of #ClimateFinance in this burgeoning sector to support its climate-compatible development. Recent Key Developments On the carbon markets front, two key developments have occurred in the […]Art for Social and Ecological Transformation in Africa.
The Role of Art in Social and Ecological Change Art is a powerful tool for bringing about and promoting not only dramatic social change but also ecological transformations. The role of art in form of music, storytelling, painting, embroidery, photography, illustrations and films among others cannot be overemphasised in the pursuit of social and ecological transformations in Africa and world over. Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy, the Oscar-winning documentary filmmaker notes that: “Good art can educate and create empathy, and empathy leads […]What should we do to combat climate change?
The Climate Change Question There is no doubt that climate change is one of the most formidable and complex issues facing us today. There are many dimensions to it – scientific, political, economic, social, ethical, ethical, moral, cultural, sectoral etc – and it spatial and temporal scope is very wide. But that notwithstanding, the discourse on climate change is changing from whether climate change is happening to what needs to be done to deal with its far-reaching implications. Many […]